About Me

I am a mid-20s genderqueer person from the Midwest United States. I am not the best with computers but I am having fun learning. I also enjoy crocheting, reading nonfiction, sewing, learning about engineering, learning about historical clothing (both production and fashion), and the environment. I am allergic to most things outside but I still love the outdoors anyway.


I use any neopronoun. I don't mind if you mess up. I will be happy that you're trying. I like the idea of people practicing using pronouns they're unfamiliar with on me, so that once they make a friend with those pronouns they can call their friend the correct thing with ease. If you really truly cannot wrap your head around neopronouns despite months of effort, I will also accept they/them or it/its pronouns. However, if you are of sound mind/body and speak English as your first language, at least attempting to use neopronouns is a requirement. If you have trouble with language processing or English is not your first language, I understand it can be difficult to learn and will not be as strict. Just do your best.

For a good resource on how to use various pronouns, check out the UW-Milwaukee LGBTQ+ Resource Center Guide To Pronouns

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